OzGrind Polished Concrete


As Brisbane’s premier concrete flooring company, OzGrind’s website conveys luxurious quality and an eye for detail.  There is a strong emphasis on high quality photography which lends an authentic professionalism to the entire website while providing visitors with solid visual information on the end product.

Websites that are made for small and medium businesses should have a tactic of converting as many visitors as possible into valuable leads by providing ample opportunity to engage directly with the business, such as through contact forms, tools such as a cost calculator and virtual showroom, as well as providing general information via a fleshed out FAQ and free guides in exchange for basic contact details.

The images presented here are entire-page screenshots to help convey the look and feel of the finished website.


Interactive Cost Calculator Page

Specialty Page

Projects Page

Individual Project Page


Where do I start – my company wouldn’t be the same without him – in fact our clients think we are a massive global company because our website looks so professional they can’t believe that we could be just a husband and wife team… he is fast, efficient, and has excellent knowledge and taste – you can’t go wrong with Tom!

General Manager, OzGrind Polished Concrete